alan sugarWhat Lord Sugar says about Innovate

"It's still good to know there are people like you around, who will give immediate and honest feedback to people without wasting their time and money"

Published  in Daily Mirror Monday, May 6, 2002
(photo ® Lord Sugar)

What is in the Free Info Pack?

  • a Booklet ‘Inventing for Profit’ – Vital Information covering: How to patent an idea, taking an idea to market, design and prototype info;
  • press articles about Innovate Design;
  • an idea submission form;
  • confidentiality agreement and a Freepost envelope.

Request a Free Info Pack Here

How much is all this going to cost?

The cost varies from project to project. Once you have received an information pack, send your idea to us and we will complete the free initial review to ascertain what potential costs may be associated with your project in moving it forward.

Can’t I just put my idea in front of industry now?

The idea needs to look credible and well presented to stand a chance in gaining the confidence of the industry. It also ideally needs to be protected. You only get one chance and the presentation should not be underestimated. Companies are more likely to support an idea if they can see it has been thought through and properly developed. Protection can also improve a product’s chance at market.

How do I know you aren’t going to steal my idea?

We send you two copies of a signed Confidentiality Agreement (in your free info pack) before you disclose the idea to us. This is a legally binding agreement that prevents us from disclosing the idea to any third party. Each party retains one copy of the agreement signed by both parties. We also adhere to the regulations of the BSI standards governing our industry: BS8538:2011 Specification for the provision of services relating to the commercialisation of intellectual property rights.

What is a confidentiality agreement?

This is a legally binding document that protects your idea. We will never ask for details of an idea until one of these has been completed and signed by ourselves and the inventor. It means we cannot take the idea further without the permission of the inventor. For more information please see what is a confidentiality agreement?

What Innovate can do for you

Innovate help inventors and small businesses commercialise their new ideas from concept to production.
With many years of experience, the team know how best to commercialise an idea, from affordable patent protection and prototyping through to licensing an idea to a company or launching it yourself. Taking a new product idea to market has risks which Innovate can help you identify and address early on.

Award winning team

The Innovate team comprise award winning product design engineers, market researchers, patent searchers, business development professionals and Intellectual Property experts, with experience in all areas of IP, product design, manufacturing and global distribution networks.

Global network

With offices in London, Paris and Florida, Innovate are perfectly positioned to help you succeed internationally. Innovate is not the Patent Office however they can advise you on how the Patent Office works and guide you through making an application for a patent. They provide a complete service from patent search, protecting/patenting a product, through design and prototyping, to advice on marketing.

What our clients say

"They were highly recommended"

Rebecca Mabbett

R Reflections Founder


"First class technical recommendations and support"

Barry Jenkins

Fuel The Adventure Founder

"I felt like we were on the same team"

Tara Lalvani

Beautifect Founder
