Case Study:Â Dribble Stop Top
Client:Â Tracey Wilson
Twitter:Â @dribblestoptop
Facebook: @dribblestoptops
The Project
The Dribble Stop Top looks and feels like a normal baby vest, but a pocket made of specialised waterproof material (with skin-like breathability) is hidden inside. This completely covers the 'Dribble Zone' (chest area) and acts as a barrier to stop dribble soaking through to baby’s skin.
The Challenge
Infants and babies often dribble particularly when their teeth are coming through. Frequently, when an infant has a dummy or comforter in their mouth the infant will dribble or produce excess saliva. This saliva or dribble will then fall onto the garments or clothing. Therefore, baby’s dribble can sometimes soak into their clothes and through to their skin which can lead to sore skin and dribble rash. This can be painful and distressing for babies as well as very upsetting for parents.
The Innovate Solution
- Evaluate the potential of this idea
- Innovate first conducted a worldwide patent search
- Understand potential suitable markets sectors for the concept
- Undertake a thorough Intellectual Property Search
- Engage the product design team to visualise the visualise the product
- Produce photo-realistic CAD visualisations