R Reflections

Product name: R Reflections

Product website: rreflections.co.uk


R Reflections is a virtual fitting room app that gives users personalisation to enable individuals to identify if clothes suit them, their body shape and skin tone.

Rebecca Mabbett is one of Innovate’s youngest success stories. Rebecca has finalised and released her brand new app and started a subsequest company in the same name, all before turning 20. “The idea of R Reflections first came about when I was on a family summer holiday back in August 2019. I ordered a few different items of clothing from various online clothing retailers. However, when I tried the clothes on for the first time, half of them, either didn’t suit me, my body shape, or my skin tone.” After discussing this with her Dad, she came up with the idea for an app that does all the trying on for you, so eliminating the most frustrating element of online shopping. She started to research companies that could help her. “When I first started to look for innovation companies, I came across Innovate Product Design and they were highly recommended through reviews. I then had a look on Innovate's website, which gave me knowledge of other products and projects which they have worked on in the past, which was nice to see, and hear the success stories of other businesses who have done something similar." "I requested an innovation starter pack, to be delivered to my house, ready for when I got home.”

Working with Innovate

When Rebecca submitted her idea, she came to the Salisbury Studio and met with the team to discuss ideas and ways forward. We then started to work on building a prototype of her app based on her vision. Over a period of months, Rebecca and the team worked closely to create her perfect app. Creating an app prototype was essential for exploring the aesthetic and mapping the key user journey. Once this is done, it then allows the quoting and designing process of the coding stage to be far more accurate and straight forward. After planning out how the app would work and getting some feedback at this stage, Rebecca and Innovate then worked on the coding to create the final app ready for the App Store. The R Reflections app allows the user to completely personalise the view to suit themselves. “My idea places the clothes on the end user and their different body features, not on a model. This is because everyone is diverse and different and no body is exactly the same size, shape and skin colour.” There are different clothing retailers linked to the app to be able to try on clothes from known brands. Rebecca also hopes this will help sustainability by reducing the environmental impact in returning unwanted goods, including postage and waste.

Releasing the app

If there is anything that we stress to our clients most, is that the best marketing strategy starts with them. It’s always the best course of action to be the biggest advocate of your product and promote it yourself. An enthusiastic inventor tells the buyer (or indeed investor) that the idea is worth getting behind. Since the launch, Rebecca has worked hard to get the news out using social media and mainstream news. See below her feature on BBC News.

To see the app in practice and get it for yourself, visit the app store. Designing and releasing a brand new app can be a challenge, for Rebecca it was worth it. “Although we faced a few issues with the app during the development, the feeling of achievement when the app finally launch on the App Store was fantastic, and one I will always remember."

Future plans

Rebecca wants to continue creating partnerships with clothing retailers. “I hope for the app to go globally in the future, and continue to get press articles and attention to attract even more users to the R Reflections app.   If you have an idea you'd love to develop, send your idea in today for a free review.