Electronic Engineering
While a wide and ever-growing discipline, electronic engineering is primarily the design of electronic circuits to achieve various functions. This would involve utilising the many different electronic components to manipulate electrical current to then preform specific tasks. This could involve tasks in communications, automation, signal processing, computation and much more. Electronics is a subfield of electrical engineering. Electrical engineering typically involves the design of high-power electrical equipment such as that found within power generation. While electronics, is typically low voltage and heavily reliant on semiconductor devices such as transistors and diodes.
Electronic Circuits
For many years now many consumer goods have included some form of electronic circuitry. This circuitry could be as simple as switching on a light or as complex as the circuitry that exists in modern computers. The current trend in consumer goods is the use of embedded systems. Embedded systems contain some form of computational device which interacts with various inputs and outputs in order to perform its function. Embedded systems range in complexity but in recent years many ‘smart’ devices have emerged, especially within the world of consumer goods. These ‘smart’ electronic devices communicate with other devices and networks through some form of wireless protocol such as Bluetooth or WiFi. Due to the ever-increasing connectivity and complexity within the products that we use every day, it has never been more important to invest in electronic solutions to allow your product to maintain its place in the modern world. This advent of connectivity has allowed everyday products to communicate to other devices to better the user’s experience and improve functionality. An example of this being the fitbit, which monitors things like heartrate and steps taken, to then be visualised within an app on the user’s smartphone.