Congratulation to our client Leon Mead for launching his new product idea on the market. Bungee Spongee® is an absorbent sponge which can be dipped into water over the side of a boat or pier, in order to bring new water up to clean equipment and wipe down surfaces. The Bungee Spongee® uses an elasticated bungee cord that can be clipped securely. You will never lose your sponge again.

If you would like to order Bungee Spongee please visit:

Leon was fed up of losing his sponge while fishing on his boat. He looked around but could not find any products to solve his problem in the market place. Leon approached Innovate for help with the design and development of his new product idea. Once the protection on the product had been granted he left his job and decided to self manufacture Bungee Spongee®.

“It took me a while to source the quality parts I needed; I sourced mainly from the internet through various avenues, but also used a local engineering company that I worked for in the past. The high lights where putting together the product including packaging and seeing the finished article. I spent a lot of hours in my kitchen getting the initial final production finished, saving me time and money. Then I began making phone calls to retailers.” - Leon Mead

“The biggest success I think is producing a quality handmade product in the UK, also on par, is that retailers who have stocked it and consumers that have bought it see it in the same light as me.” - Leon Mead

“Without Innovate Design I would not be where I am now. Not only did they design some fantastic artwork that I used to spring on from, they also brought some excellent additions to my original prototype, which ultimately helped me to turn it into a marketable product. But what really stood out was the trust and support that oozed out of the product and personal relationship. What you don’t want from a company along the lines of Innovate Design is to be taken on an expensive ride to nowhere. I instantly knew that I had approached the right people to help take my idea forward, they were and continue to be outstanding.” - Leon Mead

Client: Leon Mead


Facebook: Bungee Spongee®