The Best Ideas to Develop According to Experts

July 23rd, 2024

Today we’re reviewing some of the best ideas to develop according to Y Combinator, the powerhouse behind many of today’s most successful start-ups.

Who is Y Combinator?

Y Combinator is a leading start-up accelerator known for its unparalleled expertise in nurturing early-stage start-ups. Based in San Francisco, Y Combinator has been the launchpad for groundbreaking companies like Airbnb, Dropbox, and the payments system Stripe. In Y Combinator’s online course, co-founder and ideas expert Jared Friedman discusses common themes for successful ideas which we have summarised below.

Ideas for Startup Success

What you are good at or passionate about

The best start-up ideas often stem from your own expertise or passions. Think back to your school days, past jobs, or hobbies. These areas are fertile ground for inspiration because you already possess the knowledge and enthusiasm needed to solve problems creatively. Building on what you love or excel in can lead to more sustainable and fulfilling ventures.

Hard ideas

Hard ideas are those that seem challenging or daunting to tackle. These ideas often have high barriers to entry, which can deter competition. By solving difficult problems, you can create significant value and secure a strong market position, as the effort required to develop these solutions often leads to high rewards.

Boring ideas

Sometimes, the most lucrative opportunities lie in the mundane. Boring ideas, such as improving existing processes or products that people take for granted, can lead to substantial improvements and efficiency gains. These areas are often overlooked, providing a less crowded market space for innovative solutions.

Ideas that exist

Entering a market full of existing products that nobody uses might sound counterintuitive, but it’s an opportunity to innovate. By understanding why these products fail and addressing those issues, you can create superior alternatives that better meet user needs. This approach allows you to leverage existing market knowledge while differentiating your offering.

Ideas from change

Pay attention to changes in the environment or people’s habits. These shifts can create new needs and opportunities. Whether it’s a growing concern for sustainability or the rise of remote work, adapting to these changes can position your start-up at the forefront of emerging trends.

Ideas to Avoid

Ideas with highly skilled labour

While skilled labour can bring expertise, ideas that heavily rely on it may face scalability issues and high operational costs. These challenges can hinder growth and profitability, making it harder to achieve long-term success.

Overly complex ideas

Overly complex ideas that require intricate systems or extensive resources can be risky. They often come with high development costs and longer timelines, increasing the likelihood of failure before reaching the market. Consider whether customers would buy a simpler “Gen 1” version which you could launch sooner.

Additional tips for finding great ideas

Personal problems

Think about problems you’ve personally experienced and how you could solve them. Personal insight can lead to practical and impactful solutions, as you have a firsthand understanding of the issue.

Ask others

Sometimes, the best ideas come from outside perspectives. Ask your friends and family about problems they have encountered. This approach can uncover unique opportunities you might not have considered, broadening your scope for innovation.

Discover the potential of you idea

At Innovate Design, we believe the best ideas often come from a blend of personal passion, practical experience, and a keen eye for opportunity. Stay curious, stay innovative, and if you ‘re ready to consider your options for the idea, request a confidential idea review with one of our Innovation Coaches.

Free confidential idea review

Book your confidential idea review with one of our innovation advisers and discover your options.