

 Congratulations to our client Topster, who have confirmed that their product is now available in all ASDA stores nationwide. Topster is a spring loaded pourer top for large plastic milk bottles which enables easier, controlled pouring of milk with less drips.

After watching his children struggle to pour milk from a large 4 litre bottle, Innovate client Steve Thomas realised there was a need for a device which enabled the easier pouring of milk and which helped prevent splashes and drips down the side of the bottle which make a mess. He realised the application would benefit children, the elderly and a wide range of other people.

After coming to Innovate with a rough "blue peter" mock up, Innovate worked on realising this idea into 3D CAD designs and then a number of prototypes, resulting in a commercial prototype.

"When customers write to us and say it has changed their lives or their disabled relatives can regain some independence by pouring their own milk –it is definitely worthwhile! We have sold over 100,000 Topsters since we launched in 2008, appeared on GMTV and BBC Radio. We've also won a major award at the British Invention Show – that's not a bad start! However, we are still at the beginning of the story – with so much more to come!" Steve Thomas.

Topster website

ASDA website