
BoginaBag on Radio 2

Kate Castle, an Innovate client, was interviewed on the Innovation slot on Simon Mayo's Radio 2 show on Friday afternoon. The interview starts 1hr 27mins into the show. I have just spoken to Kate this morning to congratulate her on the interview, she said that orders for BoginaBag have gone crazy since appearing on the […]

Baggee – what do you put in yours?

Baggee, an Innovate client, has recently been on the Innovation slot, Simon Mayo's Radio 2 show. Jaq Croft, who spent three years as Carrie Owen in the Channel 4 soap Hollyoaks, is the designer of the Baggee and is a director in Baggee Ltd. Since the Radio 2 appeareance orders of baggee have rocketed. There […]

Quadcrate reaches final for another award

Allingham Quadcrates, an Innovate client,  has reached the final of the JFC Innovation Awards which was set up by John Francis Concannon with the help of the Farmers Journal, DARD, and Teagasc, for people who bring Ideas to reality. "Winning this award would be a great achievement for the business, but just being in the […]