Peer-to-Patent initiative to trial in UK
After trials in USA, Australia, Japan and Korea, the Peer-to-Patent system is finally being trialled by the UK Intellectual Property office from 1st June 2011.
After trials in USA, Australia, Japan and Korea, the Peer-to-Patent system is finally being trialled by the UK Intellectual Property office from 1st June 2011.
Today is World IP day, the Intellectual Property Office have commisioned some great articles to celebrate today and to highlight the importance of protecting your idea.
A new British Standard setting out for the first time good practice and principals of ethical behaviour for organisations providing services to inventors has just been published by BSI. In recent years there has been a substantial increase in the number of organisations offering services to inventors and other originators and developers of ideas. Such […]
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (National) : An independent review into how the intellectual property system can better drive growth and innovation has been launched today.