
What is a patent worth?

It is near impossible to work in the world of Intellectual Property without seeing regular discussions on whether patents are worth the paper they are written on. This is mainly because of the number of litigation cases regarding patent infringement and disputes; it is believed that patents are only worth the money you have to [...]

5 Reasons why you need a Worldwide Patent Search.

5 Reasons why you need a Worldwide Patent Search.   To determine whether your idea is novel. Just because you have never seen the idea before does not mean it has not been patented. . As Baroness Karren Brady puts it: “To begin with, before you spend any more money, you need to do a patent search [...]

Someone else may be developing your idea - Find out what you can do

Simultaneous invention, also known as multiple discovery theory, is the concept that many inventors create the same invention, at the same time, independently of each other. Read on to find out what it might mean for your idea. Famous examples Calculus Let's start with calculus. Isaac Newton (the guy who discovered gravity supposedly when an [...]

2020's new invention releases for Xmas

2020 has been a tough year for us all. With the set backs this pandemic has caused, we've seen some amazing inventions that we have helped get released on the market, despite all that 2020 has thrown at them. We are celebrating those inventions and would love to share it with you, to show you that [...]

Client's mask 'Facelet' hailed as "Best face-covering"

When the pandemic hit the UK and we all went into lockdown, we knew we had to do something to help. Innovate launched an initiative to give priority to new Covid-related ideas which were already flooding in. We had a great response from this, and within that group of inventors was Jo Pole with her […]

Beautifect: Brand new beauty tech has changed the industry for good

  Dr Tara Lalvani, dental surgeon and Innovate Design client, has broken into the beauty industry in the biggest way with her groundbreaking new product, the Beautifect Box. There has been a seemingly never-ending buzz around the Beautifect Box, the new makeup space that does everything you need. Beautifect burst onto the scene last month. […]

Innovate Design client launches crowdfunding campaign

The Aura Oxygen Mask Our clients, inventors Craig and Steve, have started down the on-trend crowdfunding road with their product The Aura Oxygen Mask. The Aura Oxygen Mask was designed for use in areas where air pollution is at a dangerously high level.  The mask is the first of it's kind using a flexible and [...]

Team produce face shields for local elderly carer organisation

Innovate were approached by Oxleycare, a local elderly carer organisation to provide them with vital PPE for their staff and those in their care. This is in response of the pandemic Coronavirus, Covid-19. The team have completed several batches and are now working on their own design to speed up production for the envisaged demand […]

World IP Day is coming up. What does it mean for you?

Every year on April 26th is World IP day, celebrating the role of all types of IP (Intellectual Property) in encouraging new and exciting innovation and creative ideas. This year, the World IP day universal theme is all about creating a 'green' future. There are usually events around the world revolving around this such as […]

Reinventing Romance

Saint Valentine is well known as the patron saint of love, happy marriage and low-end gift shops that sell surprisingly expensive cards. Okay, that last one may have been slightly exaggerated (or completely made up) but interesting fact: amongst others, he is genuinely also the patron saint of beekeepers, plague and epilepsy. It’s funny how […]