Someone else may be developing your idea - Find out what you can do
5 unlikely products and how they made it big
Innovate Design News Search Double crowdfunding launch for new inventions!
Teen entrepreneur launches fashion app
It's time you started your Inventor's Notebook
Client's mask 'Facelet' hailed as "Best face-covering"
When the pandemic hit the UK and we all went into lockdown, we knew we had to do something to help. Innovate launched an initiative to give priority to new Covid-related ideas which were already flooding in. We had a great response from this, and within that group of inventors was Jo Pole with her […]
What prototype is best for me?
The words 'invention' and 'prototype' go hand in hand. You won't find an inventor in the world that hasn't considered a prototype to be of the utmost importance in the process. When you think of a prototype, you might picture a garage covered in sawdust, a lab with test tubes and goggles or you might […]
Exciting new contacts in Africa
Last month our textiles designer, Olivia, visited the Ghanaian embassy during their Garments and Textiles trade event. The event was to strengthen the ever-growing links between Ghana and the British government when it comes to trade, specifically in the apparel industry. Olivia saw this as a perfect opportunity to network with industry experts in order […]
New year, new invention!
As the old Christmas tree stands outside, once proudly brimming with needles and joy, but now naked and threadbare, we bid farewell to the yuletide festivities and enter a new age. Twenty-twenty. 2020. Two thousand and twenty. However you write it, it feels like we are living in the future! We have now reached an […]