InventionCalculator™ In The Media

April 7th, 2014

Innovate’s InventionCalculator™ app has been featured in ‘The Mail On Sunday’ and on the ‘Mail Online’ website.
Launched in the UK in early March 2014 the InventionCalculator™ has been received very well by the Inventor and Entrepreneurial communities, with over two thousand downloads to date.

The InventionCalculator™ is a first-of-its-kind educational tool to help the individual innovator, aspiring inventor or entrepreneur understand the global market potential and financial implications when exploring the different routes to take a new product idea to market.

The InventionCalculator™ can calculate the profit an inventor may receive by inputting the demographics of potential consumers and the price that the consumer would pay for the product. The calculator then uses a formula to calculate the estimated manufacturing cost and therefore the gross profit, then demonstrating how this varies dependant on the choice of business model or route to market that the inventor chooses to adopt.


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To view the online article from the ‘Mail Online’ visit their website here

The InventionCalculator™ is now available for both Apple iOS and Android devices, download now from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Alternatively you can use the InventionCalculator™ on the Innovate website here

For a demo of the InventionCalculator™ for iOS click here or for Android click here.