
Innovate and the Design Thinking Process

Design thinking is all about exploring the processes and creative thinking that go into developing a new idea. It grew out of industries such as architecture and planning but has since been used across many business and innovation sectors to help solve a wide range of problems. “The notion of design as a “way of […]

AppKettle Goes to Market

What is it? AppKettle is a clever invention and the brainchild of Robert and Richard Hill. Simply put, the ultimate smart kettle that can be activated by an easy to use phone app. You can keep the water for that next cuppa warm, have it ready for when you get home in the evening by […]

Can I patent an idea for free?

You have reinvented the pen and anxious to get the production process started.  Slow down.  You may want to start thinking about getting a patent. Programmes such as Dragon’s Den prove there are thousands of budding entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom waiting to get their ‘eureka moment’ into the public domain.  But how easily can [...]