
New product on the market Tubit Safely©

Congratulation to our former client, Mike Leslie, for launching his product Tubit Safely©. This is a food storage solution to help reduce the cross contamination within the food industry using the colour coding that already exists. You can buy Tubit Safely from the website To find out more about Mike's story visit the case study page. If you are […]

Congratulations to our client Scott Haslam

JACS (Junior Adaptive  Carrier System) Congratulations to our client Scott Haslam for launching his new product idea, JACS (Junior Adaptive  Carrier System). This is a modular, adaptable baby carrier for Dads that want to go the extra mile After a successful campaign on kickstarter, the first production run of JACS in now underway. You can […]

Another new product idea on the market. Bungee Spongee®

Congratulation to our client Leon Mead for launching his new product idea on the market. Bungee Spongee® is an absorbent sponge which can be dipped into water over the side of a boat or pier, in order to bring new water up to clean equipment and wipe down surfaces. The Bungee Spongee® uses an elasticated […]

Cuff-Clip-Bag™ – to keep your belonging safe on the beach

Congratulation to Innovate clients, Jacqueline & Sue, for launching their new product: Cuff-Clip-Bag™ Cuff-Clip-Bag™ is anti-theft slash resistant beach, travel bags and rucksacks for both men and women. The bag attaches to a secure object- such as a sun-bed or an armchair via a slash resistant Kevlar cuff that is concealed within a small side […]

Innovate client on 'Make Me a Millionaire Inventor' TV series

Irish Entrepreneur features on new “Make Me a Millionaire Inventor” TV series An Irish inventor featured in a new satellite TV business series on Sunday, 4th May at 7pm. Innovate client Declan McDonnell, from Trillick Co Tyrone, is owner and inventor of the Xpanda Bra, a maternity nursing bra with adjustable cup sizes, which enables […]

Innovate Client Dribble Stop Top Launches

Innovate client Dribble Stop Top has now launched in stores and online! Dribble Stop Top came to Innovate back in 2010 with just a great idea, Innovate then proceeded to help the two mumpreneurs to design, develop and protect their idea. Now, three and a half years later we are so delighted to announce that […]

Innovate Client Starts Kickstarter Campaign

Innovate client ‘Wag N Go’ has recently started a Kickstarter campaign in a bid to launch their latest product. Coming with just an idea and a few sketches, Innovate assisted Wag N Go with the initial design and development of the product. Now, 6 months on the product has evolved into an elegant and durable […]

Innovate Client Vex Box Launches

Innovate Client Vex Box has now launched Vex Box is a universal template for single or double socket boxes, providing a tidier and more efficient method of installation. Whether it’s new builds or refurbishments, the surrounding wall can be finished to a superior standard, as the product extends the box to be flush with the [...]

Congratulations to Xpanda Bra for winning award

The team at Innovate are thrilled to announce that one of our clients has won an award. Xpanda Bra, The Ultimate Comfort Nursing Bra, is a revolutionary new maternity nursing bra with individual adjustable cup sizes, so your bra continues to fit your body changes during and after pregnancy, especially when Breastfeeding. Xpanda Bra have won the Bizzie Baby awards. […]