From the Intellectual Property Office website:
A new law comes into force today that will give small and medium sized businesses easier access to justice to protect their copyright and trade marks. The Patents County Court (Financial Limits) Order (No.2) 2011 creates a clearer definition of which disputes involving copyright and trade mark claims should be heard in the Patents County Court (PCC) and which ones should go to the High Court.
The change will encourage more businesses to protect their intellectual property and enforce their rights. Evidence presented to the recent Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property and Growth indicated that small and medium sized firms are dissuaded from enforcing IP rights because of the fear of high court costs.
A new damages cap of £500,000 for all claims in the PCC means small companies claiming damages up to that amount are less likely to face a potentially more expensive trip to the High Court.
To view the full story, please go to the Intellectual Property Office Website